What equipment do I need?
You will need a full skate kit to join our Protostar programme; knee, wrist and elbow pads, quad skates (not roller blades) and a helmet, along with a pre-moulded mouthguard. If you’re not sure where or what equipment to buy or have any questions, please email newskaters.arrd@gmail.com and we can help with some advice.

We are always working to access funding to help pay for small amounts of kit we can loan out to those who aren’t in a position to buy straight away.  We’re currently reviewing our kit allocation and funding applications, so for the time being have a very limited kit supply, but do get in touch if you have any questions.

Other than the skates and the protected equipment, what else should I bring?
A bottle of water, and trainers for the first few weeks for any off skate warm ups.

What should I wear?
Whatever you like! Our advice would be to wear comfortable gym type clothing that you can move around in, however, wear whatever you feel most comfortable in.  Most skaters tend to wear shorts or leggings with vests or t-shirts.

Do I need to know the rules?
Not straight away, this is something we will introduce you to during the programme. After a few weeks, new skaters are invited to come along to watch our scrimmage training and try out non-skating official roles to learn more about the rules of the game.

Do I need to know how to skate?
Not at all! Our experienced coaches will show you the basics and keep you safe.

How old do you have to be to join?
You need to be aged 18 or over to join our Protostar programme.

Am I fit enough?
Yes! Roller derby is a great way to increase strength and fitness, and we’ll work to the level you need to start off with. We aim to make our sessions fun and challenging for all. 

What if I don’t want to skate, can I still get involved?
There are many ways to get involved, check out how to get involved here.

For more information or if you have any other questions, please email us at newskaters.arrd@gmail.com.