SAMH Charter for Physical Activity and Sport
Auld Reekie Roller Girls are extremely proud to announce that we are one of the first community sports clubs to sign up to Scotland’s Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity and Sport!
The SAMH Charter for Physical Activity and Sport aims to improve equality and reduce discrimination for anyone with a mental health problem, ensuring there is no barrier to engaging, participating and achieving in physical activity and sport.
As a signatory we are committed to the following:
1. Actively promoting inclusive practice and ensuring a positive and welcoming environment for all.
2. Developing inclusive policies and practices which are informed by the inclusion of mental health in strategic planning.
3. Actively encouraging participation and promote messages focusing on the benefits of physical activity on mental health.
4. Participating in Scotland’s Mental Health Charter Network supporting meaningful collaboration, sharing resources and best practise.
5. Routinely reviewing performance and identifying ways to improve working in relation to mental health.
By signing up to the Charter we will helping to create the positive change needed within sport! We want to create an environment that promotes and supports mental wellbeing for all so that we can further our mission in creating a dynamic community that is supportive and inclusive in a competitive environment in which all our members can be the best they can be.